
What are the differences between ham and bacon and pork?

Pork is a variety of meat known for its strong flavors and lip-smacking taste. Some people prefer the sparingly, while others love to indulge. There are different types of pork cuts available.

How do you find the difference between ham and bacon? is a common question that many people ask. Ham and bacon are obtained from different sections of a pig. Besides, they go through different curing and packaging processes as well. Bacon is usually the meat from the belly or back of the pig. In contrast, ham comes from the hind legs.

Ham, bacon, and pork are different terminologies for pig meat. Pork is typically raw meat that does not go through any curing. Ham and bacon go through some curing before hitting the market. The section below gives a deeper insight into the difference between ham, bacon, and pork.

What is Pork?

Pork refers to the meat obtained from pigs. It is extensively consumed in different corners of the world. It is considered a delicacy in Western as well as in Asian countries. Raising and feeding pigs is relative besides these animals are not part of any laborious work. The flavors of the meat are appealing so is the taste. 

Pork is mostly available in the cured form. Also, cured meat is used for flavor enhancement in various dishes.  When it comes to purchasing pork various cuts of meat are available from the butcher or supermarket. Shoulder, loin, chops, and legs together with other parts are known as specialty meats. 

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What is Bacon?

As discussed before bacon refers to cured meat of a pig that is obtained from the belly or back. You can choose to use it as is, as a flavoring ingredient, or as a side dish. In the US market, the most popular cut of meat is side bacon which comes from the sides of the side of the animal. It usually has high concentrations of fat giving more flavor and taste. You will observe long strands of fat running parallel to the rind.

In the UK people love the back bacon that comes from the loin present in the centre of the back. The texture and flavors of this meat are similar to that of ham. The presence of fat gives it more flavors with a tender and crisp texture. Bacon is popular for having the right balance between sweet, smoky, and salty flavors. 

Bacon is available off the shelf and goes through a curing process. It includes soaking the meat in a solution containing sugar, nitrates, and salt. The meat also gets a smoke treatment that further enhances the flavors. Some of the common ways of cooking bacon include using a microwave, skillet, or oven. 

In places like Canada and the United States, the locals refer to bacon as streaky, fatty, or American-style bacon. It is because they use pig bellies only for the preparation of bacon. 

When pig legs are cured for a long time and cured it is known as green bacon. In southern regions of England, people prefer to smoke cured pig legs for long hours. There is a leg-wrapped variety of the same known as gammon. Pork loin is typically used for making traditional bacon. 

In most places around the world, bacon is fried before consumption. The crisp texture and flavor make it a popular snacking dish. In Western countries, bacon is a staple morning breakfast. Other ways of cooking bacon include grilling, smoking, and boiling. Bacon is quite versatile when it comes to cooking style. 

However, people hardly give a thought to doing something with leftover bacon. There are different ways of tuning leftover pieces into mouth-watering delicacies. Following are some of the ways of using bacon

  • Side dish served with eggs
  • Wrap around meat loaf or meat
  • Pizza toppings
  • Bacon bits for garnishing salads
  • Add to breakfast burritos
  • Cobb salad

Besides using bacon in numerous preparations. There are different ways of storing bacon as well.  It can be stored inside a refrigerator or freezer. The storage and preparation methods are quite simple and easy.

What is Ham?

Ham is another popular cut that comes from the hind legs of the animal. It includes the thigh, buttock, and the joining of the knee and thigh. The term “ham” is derived from the word “hom” which means bending of the knee.  Slow roasting is the most effective way of enjoying ham. However, in most places, ham goes through a precooking or curing process. It includes a combination of smoking, curing, and aging.

Curing of ham starts with injecting the fresh cut of meat with a solution of sodium ethylate, sugar, potassium, water, and salt. The next step involves cooking the ham at about 150 F. This curing process helps kill bacteria present in the ham. Again cured ham is different from aging ham as it contains seasoning and salt. Besides the aging process requires storing the meat in a well-ventilated room with temperature control. 

Similarly, the preparation of smoked ham includes smoking the ham at temperatures of 60 F. It is quite a long process and sometimes goes on for weeks. As the smoker is fuelled using wood chips the variety of wood adds a distinct flavor to the meat. Another variety of ham is the cold smoked type that gets salt curing.

 As can be understood the final taste of ham depends on the preparation method. However, there is one common aspect of all varieties of ham. Since the meat is obtained from the round muscles of the hind leg the texture is quite dense. Also, the meat tastes sweeter regardless of the preparation method.  

There are numerous ways in which one can use ham. You can choose to make different types of preparations with ham. Usually, at the time of using a large piece of ham, there are different types of leftovers. Below are some of the ways of repurposing the leftovers.

  • Cubed ham for salads
  • Add leftover pieces to the soup
  • Sliders
  • Ham hash
  • Potato casserole and cheesy ham
  • Pizza toppings
  • Pinwheels
  • Flavoring pasta dishes
  • Cold cut sandwiches
  • Ham and beans
  • Chicken cordon bleu

With all these options available there is certainly no excuse for getting tired with ham.  It is one such cut of meat that can be cooked in a variety do ways. So when purchasing ham from the supermarket or local butcher it is quite simple and easy to work with.  Ham can be either smoked or baked as per liking. Some people choose to cook a ham in an instant crack pot-type device. 

Understanding the Differences between Ham and Bacon

Apart from the fact that both bacon and ham come from pigs and both varieties are cured. There is a notable difference between ham and bacon.  Ham is usually available in the market in the form of large chunks and broken as needed by the buyer. It is a piece from the leg and is usually baked or cooked. 

One can get ham lunch meat but it is not a natural cut. The finest quality of ham comes from a large cut that comes from the leg.  Bacon in most places is solid in strips. The thickness of the cuts varies but is never available as a large chunk. Bacon comes from the belly portion or back of the pig. 

Bacon is a form of cured meat that is obtained from the belly or back. Whereas ham is meat from the hind legs that is smoked or salted.  Usually in supermarkets bacon is available in the form of strips. Ham is sold as a large cut of meat.


Both ham and bacon are types of pig meat. However, it is vital to know the difference between ham and bacon. Bacon comes from the belly or back portion and usually has a higher concentration of fat. Ham is meat that comes from the hind legs. Both varieties go through some kind of curing for enhancing the taste and tenderizing of the meat. We hope that this article will serve as a valuable resource for understanding the difference between ham and bacon and pork.

Frequently Asked Questions

The above article should give a clear understanding of the difference between ham and bacon and pork. The following questions will give some more information that will make things even more clearly for the readers. 

Can Ham or Bacon be Eaten Raw?

Bacon or ham can be consumed cold but one should never consume them raw. Both forms of meat require a good amount of smoking or cooking before eating. It is recommended to cook pork to a minimum temperature of 150 degrees. 

Is it Safe to Reuse Bacon Grease?

People often consider reusing leftover bacon grease for cooking hash browns, vegetables, or eggs. It is safe to store and reuse bacon grease. Similarly one can also use fresh bacon grease obtained after frying the fat strips.

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