
Bengali Cuisine: A Delicious Introduction to Eastern India’s Hidden Gem

Bengali cuisine is the epitome of diversification in the food world. Since it is spread over a large area of Bengal (including East Bengal), Tripura and Assam, the cuisine includes a lot of different spices and flavours. This brings about a distinct quality that is unique to Bengali cuisine. 

Understanding Bengali cuisine requires one to delve deep into its history, traditions and cooking tendencies. In this article, we shall undertake the journey of inspecting the roots of traditional Bengali food and the variety it harbours. 

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History of Bengali Food 

Table of Contents

There’s no brief history of Bengali food, and it is only possible to uncover the entire saga by exploring it in layers (which we intend to do in the course of our write-up). To begin with, Traditional Bengali food is rooted in the region’s cultural, climatic and economic context.

Wide use of mustard (in the form of oil and seeds), saltwater and freshwater fishes and varied leafy green vegetables mark the fundamentals of the Bengali cuisine. It has strong Mughal, Hindustani and Portuguese influences. The partition between East and West Bengal also impacted eating habits to a great extent.

Importance of Bengali Cuisine in the Indian Culinary Culture 

India’s heterogeneity makes it impossible for any cuisine to survive without being influenced by regions close to them. Similarly, Bengali cuisine has influenced several other states and their food habits to a great extent.

Flavours patent to traditional Bengali food are often found in Bihar and Jharkhand dishes. Some traces have also travelled further. These have now become integrated so organically that you won’t be able to tell the difference. 

Thus traditional Bengali food and cuisine seriously impact the overall Indian culinary culture as it has improved the use of mustard seeds, fish, etc.  

Flavours and Ingredients of Bengali Cuisine

Key flavours and spices used in Bengali cuisine

Bengali cuisine largely depends on using a wide range of spices. Not restricted to ground spices, traditional Bengali food uses a lot of whole spices to infuse flavour into their food. 

Here are some of the essential spices that define the Bengali cuisine 

  • Panch phoran 
  • Mustard seeds 
  • Nigella seeds 
  • Cinnamon 
  • Fenugreek 
  • Cumin seeds 
  • Turmeric

Signature ingredients of Bengali cuisine

It is extremely difficult to pick a few signature ingredients of Bengali cuisine as every nook and corner has a diverse meal preference. However, we are listing some of the cuisine’s most widely acceptable signature ingredients. 

Fish: It is hard to imagine Bengali cuisine without fish. There are several kinds of fish, and each region has its favourites. 

Meat: Although reserved for Sundays and special occasions, goat meat is one of the most important ingredients of traditional Bengali food. 

Pumpkin: Pumpkin adds a sweet balance to several vegetarian dishes. 

Coconut: Coconut milk is used to bring richness to gravies that do not include onion or garlic. 

Posto: Posto is an important ingredient and is still used in affluent households in Bengal. 

Lentils: Since rice is the staple food, people use different kinds of lentils to pair it up. 

Importance of seafood in Bengali cuisine

Seafood like crabs and prawns make a crucial part of the traditional Bengali food. Crab curry and prawns in coconut milk are Bengal’s favourites.

Vegetarian options in Bengali cuisine

Contrary to popular belief, Bengali cuisine has some of the best vegetable options like: 

  • Shukto (a mix of seasonal veggies in light milky curry)
  • Chorchori (Green leafy vegetables with potato, pumpkin and gourd)
  • Aloo Posto (diced potatoes cooked in the poppy paste with minimal spices)
  • Kumror Chokka (pumpkin cooked with boiled brown chickpea)

Traditional Bengali Dishes

Traditional Bengali Dishes

Popular Bengali dishes

  • Shukto 
  • Goat meat curry 
  • Bhekti (Barramundi) paturi 
  • Ilish (Hilsa) Bhape/Shorshe 
  • Chingri (Prawn) Malaikari 
  • Aloo Posto 
  • Kochu (taro root) bata 
  • Fish Kalia 
  • Korola bhaja (bitter melon)
  • Beguni (fried eggplant)

Preparation and Cooking Styles Unique to Bengali Cuisine

Bengali cuisine has several styles that include a blend of a certain group of spices or a particular way of cooking. Here are some of the widely used styles: 

Kosha: It refers to the technique of vigorously frying spices in oil. Ginger, garlic and onions are also used in non-veg traditional Bengali food.   

Chorchori: It refers to cooking several vegetables in a single pot. 

Jhol: A meat or fish light curry made of cool spices.

Regional variations in Bengali cuisine

Ghotis (Origin in West Bengal) and Bengals (originally from the region of East Bengal) are largely differentiated by their cooking variations. Traditional Bengali food from both regions is tasty and popular. 

Ghotis eat less spicy food and include more freshwater fish in their diet. In contrast, Bengals incorporate a lot of roots and leaves in their diet, along with saltwater fish. They also add a lot of spice in the form of both red and green chillies.  

Bengali cuisine in Assam is closer to the Ghotis’ way of cooking and contains less spice. All these regions have subdivisions, and the way of cooking in rural areas is different from that of urban areas.

Traditional Bengali Desserts

  • Rosogolla 
  • Pantua 
  • Kheer Kadam 
  • Lengcha 
  • Sondesh 
  • Malpoa 

Bengali Cuisine Outside of India

Bengali Cuisine Outside of India

Bengali Cuisine Around the World


Chittagong is famous for its kala bhuna, dried fish and mixed rice dishes. 


Dhaka imbibes rich Mughal influence, and thus, biriyani, polao, roast, and thick flat bread are extremely prevalent.

Besides these, Bengali cuisine and traditional Bengali food are made famous by tourists and immigrants across the world. 

The popularity of Bengali cuisine in South Asian restaurants

It would startle you to know that several South Asian restaurants have adapted traditional Bengali food and continue to indulge in experimentation with Bengali cuisine. Dishes like Bengali Mutton curry, light chicken stew, and prawns cooked in coconut milk are quite popular in South Asian restaurants. 

Bengali cuisine in the diaspora

Just as diasporic literature stirs nostalgia, Bengali cuisine in a foreign land does the same. Several diasporic pieces of literature, like the works of Jhumpa Lahiri and Kallol Lahari, extensively speak about traditional Bengali food. 

Similarly, people who settle abroad always try to recreate the traditional Bengali food they had as children. Such attempts help the Benegal cuisine penetrate borders and not only serve nostalgia but also help it become widely known in places outside of India. 

Health Benefits of Bengali Cuisine

Health Benefits of Bengali Cuisine

Nutritional Benefits of Bengali Cuisine

Bengali cuisine generally incorporates healthy ingredients, fish being the crowning glory when it comes to nutrition. Check out some of the health benefits one can derive from traditional Bengali food. 

  • Fish is high in protein and contains very few calories, making it the perfect food for health-conscious people. Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin A and D qualifies it as a superfood. 
  • Parboiled rice is rich in fibre content and also has niacin, riboflavin, and Thiamine. It can treat conditions like constipation. 
  • Bitter melon is a favourite in Bengal as it is known to work great for patients who have high blood sugar and low immunity. It is rich in nutrients and thus must be included in every diet. 
  • Meat offers a good serving of protein but must be consumed in moderation. 
  • Lentils are a great source of folic acids and Vitamin C. They do not contain calories and have the right balance of protein and vitamins.

Use of Ayurvedic Principles in Bengali Cuisine

Bengali cuisine follows several traditional Ayurvedic principles while cooking. Women in the olden days believed in Ayurveda, and the lack of modern medicines increased their reliance on it. Here are some principles that are followed even to this day.

  1. According to Ayurveda, food should be light and easy to digest. Traditional Bengali food, except for certain occasional dishes, use light spices and create a balance of hot and cool spices to aid digestion. It helps avoid acidity and heartburn. 
  2. Bengalis have their largest meal during the day, again a tenet of Ayurveda. They believe one must not delay lunch and have it when the sun is up.
  1. Traditional Bengali food avoids pairing foods that are forbidden to mix in Ayurveda. For instance, yoghurt and bananas are seldom consumed together.
  2. Bengali foods have a remarkable balance of the Doshas (as preached in Ayurveda). Warm and soothing spices are used according to the base ingredients to create this balance.

How Bengali cuisine promotes overall well-being

Bengali cuisine is all about packing health and flavours in a single dish. The use of healthy ingredients promotes physical well-being and helps you stay away from several diseases. Vitamin D-rich foods also affect your mental health as deficiency of the said nutrient leads to depression-like symptoms.

Bengali Cuisine in Modern Times

Bengali Cuisine in Modern Times

Evolution of Bengali Cuisine in contemporary times

Bengali cuisine may have changed in terms of the cooking process, but the flavour and basic recipes remain the same. Instead of earthen stoves, people today use a gas stove; instead of grinding spices in the grinding stone, the mixer grinder is used; instead of cooking meat on kadhai for hours, the pressure cooker is used. 

All these methods are used both at home and in commercial setups to save time. However, the use of spices and ingredients has not been altered. 

Bengali Fusion Cuisine

Bengali fusion cuisine is common in several restaurants, but popular opinion favours traditional Bengali food more. Here are some Bengali fusion dishes you can try: 

  • Prawn cheese wrap 
  • Non-veg puchka 
  • Honey, mustard and chicken wrap 
  • Bombay duck fry 

New-Age Bengali Chefs and Restaurants

Here are some star chefs of Bengali cuisine and their respective restaurants 

  • Sushanta Sengupta- 6, Ballygunge Place 
  • Subir Kumar Dey- Oh! Calcutta 
  • Vijay Malhotra- ITC Sonar Bangla 
  • Madhumita Mohanta- Great Eastern Hotel 
  • Sumalya Sarkar- Taj Group of Hotels 

Celebrations and Festivals

Importance of Food in Bengali Culture

Food comprises an integral part of Bengali culture. It signifies the traditional norms and often has an emotional value. The diverse variety speaks amply about the thoughts and creativity that have gone into each concept and recipe. 

Food is an important part of any cultural event, and people often bond over food. Be it an affordable tea stall with bakery biscuits or a 5-star restaurant, Bengalis cannot socialise without food. Hence, it is a crucial part of the culture, and anyone who wishes to understand the history and way of life of people living in Bengal must acquire substantial knowledge about their cuisine. 

Bengali Cuisine during Puja and Other Festivals

Surprisingly, in Bengal, every puja does not stipulate a strict vegetarian diet. In fact, some temples (Kali temples specifically) offer fish and meat to the Goddess. Naturally, even the devotees indulge in the same. 

Pujas that require vegetarian offerings include signature khichdi bhog along with a dish of assorted vegetables and fries. Rice pudding is also an important traditional Bengali food indispensable in puja and other festivals.  

Festivals like marriages and get-togethers include several varieties of meat, fish, polao, biriyani etc. 

Traditional Bengali Wedding Feast

A traditional Bengali wedding feast would typically include the following: 

  • Mutton or Chicken Biriyani 
  • Mutton Kasha 
  • Chicken Korma/ Rezala
  • Navratan Pulao 
  • Fish fry 
  • Fish paturi 
  • Sweetened curd 
  • Assorted sweetmeats 
  • Sweet Chutney 
  • Papad 

Hidden Gems in Bengali Cuisine

Lesser-Known Bengali Dishes

Here are some traditional Bengali dishes that aren’t popular but are extremely delicious: 

Regional Delicacies Not Commonly Found in Restaurants

The unpopular traditional Bengali foods mentioned above are difficult to come by in standard restaurants. Some other recipes of Bengali cuisines, like shutki, loter jhuri etc., that hail from Opar Bangla (Bangladesh) are also hard to come by in restaurants. 

Family Recipes and Heirloom Dishes

Rabindranath Tagore’s family recipes are still hailed, and chefs try to create these recipes even to this day. Ilisher Ullash, Murgir Rosolla, Morich Jhol etc., have raged storms on social media since the publication of recipes from Thakur Bari. 

Similarly, several aristocratic families have heirloom dishes that have been handed down by generations and make up a part of their history.

Culinary Tourism in Bengal

Food Tours and Experiences in Bengal

A Kolkata tour is incomplete without a food tour. Here are some highly rated food exploration packages that will satiate your taste buds and acquaint you with the nerve of Bengali cuisine: 

  • Alleyway Food Tour 
  • Kolkata Culinary Tour 
  • Kolkata Uptown Food Tour 

The Taste of Kolkata and Culinary Tourism in Kolkata and Other Bengali Cities

Culinary tourism is a new phenomenon, and Kolkata has embraced the trend pretty quickly. Besides Kolkata, Darjeeling, Assam, and Gangtok also offer great food tours. Here are some you can opt for: 

  • Darjeeling Food Crawl 
  • Gangtok Food Crawl 
  • Guwahati Food Crawl

Discovering the Unique Flavours of Bengali Cuisine

Food tours are meant not to fill your bellies in a single go but to unearth and appreciate the local cuisine. Tourists discover famous traditional Bengali food in such tours and try to explore as much as possible in one go. 

Food tours include the best of Bengali cuisine, and traditional Bengali food is tried out. Both restaurants and local food joints are included to allow tourists to taste the unique flavours of different dishes. 

Bengali Cuisine and Sustainability

Importance of Sustainable Cooking and Eating in Bengali Cuisine

Sustainable cooking has unconsciously been a part of Bengali cuisine. It is especially so for dishes that came up after partition. The partition left thousands of Bengalis homeless and in dire poverty. Extracting the best nutrition from the cheapest sources became an obsession for ladies who were responsible for feeding several mouths. Thus the concept of sustainability in Bengali cuisine is more prevalent in Opar Bangla dishes than in any other region. 

Traditional Bengali food has always tried to stay away from excessive oil and too much use of warm spices. This allows easy digestion and bowel movements. Bengalis are known to use almost every part of a plant and animal (unless they are poisonous) to avoid wastage. Be it the root, the stem, the flower, the seed or the leaf, if it is edible, there’s definitely a recipe for it. Such a thoughtful way of cooking is inspirational for our time. 

Farm-to-Table Movement in Bengali Cuisine

The farm-to-table movement is still a prevalent concept in rural Bengal, where food is delivered to the kitchen right from the farm. The agrarian economy of Bengal has created this scope, and it works well for several regions. 

Even in the city today, one can find Bengalis growing several fruits and vegetables in their backyard or terrace. The impulse to grow what you eat has not been displaced and is still practised on a smaller scale. 

Traditional Methods of Cooking and Preservation in Bengali Cuisine

There are several traditional methods of cooking and preservation in the Bengali cuisine. Here’s a list of the most used ones:

  • Shutki  
  • Jhol 
  • Ombol 
  • Bhapa 
  • Bhaja 
  • Dalna 
  • Dom 
  • Chutney 
  • Ghonto 
  • Kalia 
  • Torkari 
  • Chorchori 
  • Shukto 

Bengali Cuisine and Technology

Impact of Technology on Bengali Cuisine

Technology has connected the entire world in a single thread. Since the advent of the internet and easy access to different cultures and food practices, Bengali cuisine has also undergone a few changes. Chefs and food enthusiasts today constantly try to incorporate different techniques and ingredients into traditional Bengali food, giving it an added edge.

Digital Media and the Promotion of Bengali Cuisine

Social media has exponentially brought back the glory of Bengali cuisine. Traditional Bengali food has resurfaced today more than ever, thanks to food vloggers and video makers who are bringing back lost and rare recipes from old families and hidden regions. 

Online resources for Bengali Recipes and Cooking

There are several Youtube Channels and e-Books available for beginners and pros to learn and improve their cooking skills. The best channels bring you authentic recipes supported by their original history. Bong Eats and Lost and Rare Recipes are among the best video channels for Bengali recipes. 

Bengali Cuisine and Social Customs

Eating customs in Bengali culture

Bengal has always been multicultural, and thus, eating customs include a variety of norms. Here are some predominant customs:

  • Guests should be greeted with cold drinks like sherbet and sweets. 
  • It is mandatory to offer tea to the guests. 
  • If you have a guest during your meal time, you must offer him food too. 
  • Dessert is a must-have dish at the end of every meal. 
  • A rich traditional Bengali dish is preceded by a lighter one.  

Sharing Food and Hospitality in Bengali Society

Food and hospitality are integral to Bengali culture. A guest is always offered a meal, even if it means sharing the host’s portion. Since old age, Bengali cuisine is not only known for its taste but for the treatment that comes from the particular community in the form of food. Food is their language of respect, love and solidarity. 

Role of Food in Bengali Social Rituals

Bengali cuisine has been used to note the culture in art, literature and cinema. There’s an innate ritual significance of food, not only in the sense that it is an important part of any social practice but also because the very structure of these rituals has Bengali cuisine at their cores. No ritual is complete without traditional Bengali food. 

Bengali Cuisine and Gender

Contribution of Bengali Women to the Culinary Arts

Although most Bengali chefs today are male, women have greatly contributed to conceiving and perfecting traditional Bengali food. The entire foundation of Bengali cuisine rests on the toil and experimentation of women in the kitchen since time immemorial. What is seen today as a stroke of genius in 5-star hotels is nothing but revisiting our female ancestors in their prime. 

Gender Dynamics in Bengali Cuisine and Cooking

The subtext of gender dynamics in Bengal can be traced through the Bengali food culture. Great authors like Ashapurna Devi and Bibhutibhushan Bandhopadhyay have critically analysed the gender dynamics through the food habits of women folk and cultural norms. 

Women, although responsible for toiling in the kitchen, had to fast every now and then while being obliged to cook a several-course meal for the men. Widowers were allowed to eat non-vegetarian food, while the widows, cut off from the pleasures of life, could only consume a handful of bland vegetarian foods. 

Traditional Roles of Women in Bengali Kitchens

The traditional role of women in the kitchen is marked by the preparation and cooking of dishes. They did not visit the market to buy ingredients. In the age of large joint families, all women spent most of their day in the kitchen in the preparation of large meals. 

However, certain elite-class women seldom entered the kitchen and had maids to do their duties. They would only have to give the orders. 

Bengali Cuisine and Religion

Influence of Religion on Bengali Cuisine

Bengal has harboured both Hindus and Muslims, and thus both cultures have influenced the Bengali cuisine. While beef is restricted to Muslim households, several Hindus have borrowed beef recipes and substituted them with chicken or mutton. For example, Halim is originally made of beef, but mutton Halim is just as popular today. Similarly, Muslim Bengali food also has traces of Hindu recipes. 

Halal and Kosher Bengali cuisine

Halal and Kosher cuisine excludes alcohol and meat and the blood of pork. Halal also refers to a particular way of killing an animal for consumption. The part of Bengali cuisine that’s predominantly prepared by Muslims includes only Halal ingredients and stays away from pork, alcohol etc. 

Bengali Food During Ramadan and Other Religious Events

Ramadan is still a celebration in Kolkata. Zakaria Street is famous for its stalls during Ramadan. Both Hindus and Muslims gather to taste juicy kebabs and seviyan signature to the Muslim Bengali cuisine. Here are the best dishes: 

  • Beef Sutli Kebab 
  • Boti Kebab
  • Mutton Keema Samosa 
  • Gaund Ladoo 
  • Seviyan
  • Beef and mutton Haleem 
  • Beef Nihari 
  • Fish fry 
  • Bakarwal rotis 

Bengali Cuisine in the Future

Future Trends and Evolution in Bengali Cuisine

Bengali cuisine is slowly adapting different styles and techniques without letting go of its roots. Its evolution has been a marvellous one, and despite being so vast and dynamic, it continues to evolve and incorporate contemporary trends to stay relevant and not just become an empty vessel for nostalgia. 

Globalisation and the Future of Bengali Cuisine

Globalisation is taking Bengali cuisine beyond boundaries. Several restaurant chains in the UK, the US and South-East Asia are proof that traditional Bengali food will not be bound by demarcations in this age of globalisation. It is soon to reach out to the entire world, and only a matter of time before it becomes a global phenomenon. 

Preserving the Authenticity of Bengali Cuisine

Serious chefs and vloggers are trying their best to promote authentic traditional Bengali food to preserve its originality.

Summary of Bengali Cuisine

Bengali cuisine is a vast ocean of varied flavours, ingredients, history, culture and emotions. From widely popular traditional Bengali dishes to regional Bengali cuisine, each has its relevance. 

Bengal has been the centre of several national events, constantly shaping and reshaping its cultural and geographical setting. This has allowed the cuisine to grow bigger and bigger. It is probably among the most inclusive cuisines that trace its influence from each part of Bengal’s history. 

Final Thoughts on The Importance of Preserving Bengali Cuisine

In the age of globalization and innovation, it is also important to preserve the authenticity of traditional Bengali food. Otherwise, Bengali cuisine will reduce to the stature of fusion and nothing else. Chefs, entrepreneurs and social media figures must strive to promote authentic Bengali food to preserve its real essence and value. 


What is Bengali cuisine?

Bengali cuisine is a culinary style that’s signature to Bengal and neighbouring areas.

What are some popular Bengali dishes?

Chingrir Malaikari, Aloo Posto, Bhetkir Paturi, Shorshe Illish and Shukto are some popular traditional Bengali dishes.

What makes Bengali cuisine unique?

The use of mustard, fish, sustainability and numerous influences throughout history makes Bengali cuisine unique.

Is Bengali cuisine vegetarian-friendly?

Yes, Bengali cuisine is vegetarian-friendly. Kochu Chokka, Kumro chukka, and aloo posto are some of the popular vegetarian dishes you can try. 

Where can I try Bengali cuisine?

You can try Bengali cuisine at speciality restaurants at 6 Ballygunge Place or Oh! Calcutta. 

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